Monday, December 7, 2009

One-Eyed Tippy

Tippy wasn't always one-eyed. But how he got that way taught me an early lesson of how mean some people can be.

Tippy was our brown pet chihuahua. Actually, he was Melody's dog. He was a lot of fun. He and our other dog, Poochie, used to play together all the time. I remember how my brother Mike used to kick at Tippy just to hear him bark. Our home on Kerr Road was in the country, so we let the dogs run free whenever they went out. One particular night Tippy didn't come back right away. All of a sudden we heard him scratching at the back door, so somebody went to let him in. When I heard screaming I came running. Upon looking out the door window there was Tippy with one of his eyes hanging out. Sure it was gross, but I was fascinated at how it just hung there by the optical nerve. It didn't seem to bother him; he just kept begging for us to let him in. Well, dad took him to the vet and the vet sewed his eye socket shut for good. We found out later that a neighbor had cruelly banged him over the head with the butt of a rifle. From what I understand dad confronted him about it, but I don't know what happened there.

Tippy lived to the ripe old age of 12 before another neighbor's german shepherd ripped him to shreads while dad was at work. He and Poochie had been tied up outside; for some reason Poochie escaped injury. Poor Tippy never bothered anyone. We loved him so much. He deserved to live a lot longer.

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