Saturday, December 19, 2009

And Then Along Came Olivia

Olivia McKay Hicks was born to our daughter, Shannon, and husband Trent on Monday, December 14, 2009, at 4:31PM at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. She was 7 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long. Those are the facts from my head. Now the feelings from my heart: WOOOO-HOOOOOO!!! YIPPPEEEEEE!!! YAHOOOOOO!!!

What an amazing feeling this is! And she is the most adorable baby in the world (do you think I'm biased?). Shannon went in at 6AM Monday morning and was induced around 7AM. At about 10:30AM they gave her an epidural, which greatly relieved her pain. At around 2:15PM the nurse informed everyone that the doctor was in surgery and that she would have to stop the petocin (by this time Shannon was dilated 9 cm). Basically, Shannon had to hold Olivia in for about an hour until the doctor could get there! By the time he arrived just before 4PM she was dilated 11 cm and ready to go.

Trent and Eileen were the only family members allowed in delivery, so I was ordered to the waiting room. That was the longest 45 minutes of my life! However, Eileen kept me abreast of what was happening through text messages (ain't technical advancement grand!). Finally, the moment came to meet our new granddaughter. I entered the room and recognized her immediately - she was the small package Shannon was holding. Yes, I was sure of it. Shannon carefully handed her to me and it was love at first sight! I counted the finger & toes and noted her beautiful auburn hair. There wasn't much of it, but it was most certainly red. I love redheads! She had an oblong head because they had to use a suction device to finish delivery, but that will go back to normal in no time. At first she resembled Trent, but as time passed she began to look like a wonderful combination of them both.

The whole experience couldn't have gone better. It was difficult to see my dear daughter in such pain, but the epidural made all the difference in the world. Shannon handled everything like a champ! She and Trent are going to make the perfect parents, I'm sure of it. This new little family returned home on Wednesday to a large, handmade "Welcome Home Olivia" sign created by some friends of theirs. Unfortunately, I had to return to Virginia on Thursday. Believe me, the whole way home I tried to think of ways to justify turning around and going back. The plan is to return to Nicholasville on Christmas Eve and spend the holidays before coming home next Sunday.

I am one proud grandpapa. Olivia is such a beautiful, content little girl. When she cries it's more of a whimper that only builds into a full-fledged cry when what's bothering her doesn't get resolved. As is typical of a newborn, she pretty much sleeps and poops. Shannon did a great job preparing a terrific room for Olivia. One unfortunate thing about returning home is I didn't get to see Sarah. Trent was returning from picking her up at the airport in Louisville around the time I needed to head home. I delayed as long as I could, but as it was I didn't arrived in Scottsville until midnight. Just before I left we (Shannon, Eileen, and I) took Olivia for her first doctor's visit. Everything was good except for her being a bit jaunticed, but the doctor didn't seem overly concerned about that.

Ever since my dad became a grandfather I wondered how I would feel when it happened to me. Well, all I can say is it feels wonderful! To see what Eileen and I started 26 years ago continue in this way is very gratifying. I am grateful to a loving Heavenly Father for making all of this possible, and for the knowledge that families can indeed be forever.

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