Monday, January 25, 2010

Changes to the U.S. Government That I Would Support

1. Bi-Annual Audits of the Federal Reserve Bank - It is unconscionable that such a powerful financial institution has no significant oversight.

2. Term Limits for Members of Congress - If you can't accomplish in 12 years what you came to do you shouldn't be there. Will require a Constitutional amendment. Probably would only succeed after a voter referendum on the state level anyway.

3. Switch to a Flat Income Tax System - This seems the fairest system of them all. Everyone pays his or her fair share evenly.

4. Severely Curtail Lobbyists - Too much political influence is currently afforded persons with no accountability.

5. Limit Abortion - Abortions would only be legal in cases of rape, incest, or to protect the life of the mother. I have never been in favor of destroying or limiting human potential. The debate as to when life begins can go on, but what's certain is that every pregnant, if allow to go to term, will result in a human being.

6. Public Notice of All Bills - All bills before Congress will be required to be posted on the Internet for a predetermined period of time before being voted upon.

7. Insurance Across State Lines - One should be allowed to buy insurance from any company in America. And pre-existing conditions shouldn't matter when it comes to getting insurance.

8. National Guard Along the Borders - The deadly drug wars along our border with Mexico prove our vulnerability to outside invasion. We cannot afford to let our guard down along the border. As far as immigration is concerned, everyone should have to follow the same rules for entering our country. Giving amnesty to illegal aliens makes a mockery of those who follow the legal route for immigration. Also, current law states that one is a citizen if one is born in this country. I would change that so that at least one parent would have to be a citizen already in order for anyone born here to automatically be a citizen.

9. More Privatization - Our government shouldn't be in the business of business. There are so many things our government does that would be more efficiently accomplished if contracted out to the private sector. A good example of this is road repair and construction.

10. Spending Limits for Political Campaigns - There should be spending limits set for each and every level of government. This would help level the playing field. Far too often the richest person - or the person with the greater financial backing - gets elected.

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